


A dramatic society based in Elgin, Moray which was formed in 1945.

We started solely as a dramatic society performing 3-Act plays, added in evenings of 1-Act plays and finally, in 1976, began to perform pantomimes.  Our annual pantomime is performed in Elgin Town Hall, usually in December each year.

New members wishing to tread the boards or help behind the scenes are always welcome!


Interested in helping backstage?  Watch how we created our set for The Snow Queen here:

Contact Us

If you have any queries please email eadsdrama@gmail.com,connect with us on Facebook (EADS), or fill out the form below.

Contact Form:


    From the West: Head through Elgin on the A96; at the roundabout beside Elgin Town Hall, take the second exit, pass under the pedestrian bridge then turn left on to North College Street just before you reach the next roundabout.  Pass Elgin Cathedral and at the T-junction turn left.  After crossing the River Lossie using the Landshut Bridge, take first left and then first right at CJs Plaice into Kingmills.    Turn first left into Kingsmills Court and the EADS Building is about 100 metres in on the right.

    From the East: Travelling on the A96, pass Burger King on your left and the next roundabout is the Pansport roundabout.  Take 3rd exit which will lead you to the Landshut Bridge .  After crossing the bridge, follow the instructions as above.

    From the South: Follow the A941 until you cross the railway.  At the roundabout beside the Laichmoray Hotel, take the 3rd exit into Maisondieu Road.  The next roundabout is the Pansport roundabout where you take the 2nd exit which leads you to the Landshut Bridge.  Follow the directions above from that point.

    From the North:  Follow the A941 until you reach Elgin Town Hall.  At the roundabout, take the first exit onto Alexandra Road.  Follow the instructions from the west after you pass under the pedestrian bridge.

    The Sheddie, Kingsmills Studios, Kingsmills, Elgin IV30 4BX